Davidoff Year of the Dragon requires an equal format, making this zodiac cigar the biggest creation out of all “Year of” executions to date.
The Davidoff Year of the Dragon double corona cigar carries an eye-catching foot ring which covers the uncut foot. Enjoy this cigars first inch without the wrapper leaf, an intriguing play of flavors and visualizes the Dragon spitting fire.
Davidoff Year of the Dragon Blend Details:
The blend consists of 8 tobaccos of a total combined age of 60 years. In 2024, this number will match the age of a person born in 1964, which is also a Year of the Dragon. This year’s edition comes in a handsome box of ten cigars. The top surface of the box shows a captivating iridescent varnished dragon skin pattern all over. The powerful Year of the Dragon icon in the center holds a pearl. In Chinese culture this symbolizes wisdom, prosperity and fortune.
A wooden tray inside the box reveals two cigar sections that are divided by a silky red ribbon inspired by the Dragon’s tongue.