Diaz’s name would become more known in the following years, as Davidoff release the Master Selection Series, a collection of cigars based on Díaz’s personal blends that were created for his birthday and gifted to family and friends but never officially released.
Then, in 2021, Díaz departed Davidoff, a separation that came after 35 years at Tabadom Holding, Inc., Davidoff’s Dominican subsidiary that the company bought from Hendrik “Henke” Kelner. But he wouldn’t be out of the cigar industry for long, as later that year, Díaz would announce that he and his family would be opening their own factory in Santiago de los Caballeros, Dominican Republic, naming it Tabacalera Díaz Cabrera, While Díaz’s name had already appeared on cigars, this new facility was opening with the stated intent of producing cigars for clients, not producing its own lines of cigars.