Fuente Fuente OpusX Big B Cigars have become synonymous with luxury and quality in the world of premium handmade cigars. Created at the renowned Arturo Fuente at the majestic Chateau de la Fuente in cigar country of Dominican Republic. From the moment you light up, you realize that Carlos “Carlito” Fuente Jr set a high bar for full bodied cigar lovers. Experience a Dominican cigar from the Fuente family that has won multiple cigars of the year awards.
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Fuente Fuente OpusX Heaven & Earth Big B 6″* 74 ( Limit 1 Per)
One of the most Prestige hard to find Opus X Box
Box of 6
Wrapper: Undisclosed
Binder: Undisclosed
Filler: Undisclosed
Profile: Medium
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Categories: Cigars, Limited Edtion, VIP
Brand: Opus X 巨著